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Adobe Muse Widgets

Get complete access to the web's largest library of 250+ professionally developed Adobe Muse widgets.

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Hover Reveal

Hover Reveal

Reveal a hidden content area with images and objects 

OnLoad Animator

OnLoad Animator

A powerful suite of animations for any Muse element

Headliner 2.0

Headliner 2.0

New and improved version turns text into animated headlines

Rapid Reveal

Rapid Reveal

Create expanding content previews for single images and galleries

DropZone - File Uploader

DropZone - File Uploader

A powerful file uploader widget with email notification



Display a scrollable fullscreen image on any browser or screen



A unique scroller that allows for continuous panning of panorama-style images

Cinch Slideshow

Cinch Slideshow

A simple and versatile responsive slideshow

SHOW - Responsive Video Suite

SHOW - Responsive Video Suite

A collection of fully responsive video tools - galleries, players & backgrounds.

Mumblr - Blog Content

Mumblr - Blog Content

A Tumblr blog integration widget with full SEO support and easy setup

Dynamic Slide

Dynamic Slide

Utilize the Ken Burns effect by adding subtle pan & zoom to still images within a slideshow

Media Pro Gallery 2.0

Media Pro Gallery 2.0

A flexible and powerful image and video gallery with full responsive design

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