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Adobe Muse Widgets

Get complete access to the web's largest library of 250+ professionally developed Adobe Muse widgets.

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Apply informational pop-up messages to any Muse element


A powerful presentation widget using fullscreen split scrolling


Integrate powerful custom forms from Jotform
Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Maps widget with API key integration and Snazzy Maps styling
Like Button

Like Button

Display a like button counter on your site to engage your visitors
SEO Widget Pack

SEO Widget Pack

This pack of widgets places the most valuable fundamentals of SEO at your fingertips.
Animated Numbers

Animated Numbers

Offers an animated scrolling effect between two numbers
Search Slide

Search Slide

A slide-out search field triggered by a search icon Presentations Presentations

Create powerful presentations with our integration widget
Big Box Menu

Big Box Menu

A fullscreen navigation menu triggered by a hamburger icon

Push Gallery

Push Gallery

A beautiful gallery incorporating fullscreen slideshows for large scale media
Category Hero

Category Hero

An interactive hero slider with three interactive categories
Sunder Gallery

Sunder Gallery

A large format gallery perfect for important photos, art or products.

Color Filters

Color Filters

Apply a variety of filters to images, text, and even maps

Add To Calendar Button

Add To Calendar Button

Allows users to add custom events to a variety of calendars

Back To Top Button

Back To Top Button

A Back-To-Top button that appears as you scroll down a page

Slide Reel

Slide Reel

A responsive fullscreen slider with scrolling sidebar thumbnail navigation (Muse 2017.1+ Only)

SubNav Slider

SubNav Slider

Gorgeous 2nd level navigation, complete with sliding transition.

Anchor Scroll

Anchor Scroll

Add smooth scroll to anchor links used in widgets or code snippets

Scaling Text

Scaling Text

Easily scale text relative to screen size 

Trusted by Web Design Business Pros

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