Polished portfolio theme with lively animationsElastic Skill Bars
Animated skill bars – great for portfoliosProduct Preview Slider
A image slider built for products and variantsMenu Connect
Navigation menu with powerful expanding sub-menusExpanding Nav Button
Clean and compact navigation menu buttonArdente
Classy and simple one page restaurant themeWesleys
Simple one page theme great for bars and pubsCafe XOXO
Cheery one page cafe theme perfect for beginnersCalendly
Integrate's appointment scheduling serviceNeptuno
Cheery and colorful grid-based ecommerce siteDocument Viewer
Display a variety of documents directly on your siteBlinds Slider
A unique slider that displays images in random vertical stripesCategory Quick View
An image viewer complete with filterable categoriesSense
A light and bright theme perfect for health clinics or small business
A beautiful theme that's perfect for managing large amounts of text copyIntact
A simple fixed-width responsive theme with classic site navigationMandate
A classic single page responsive site great for newer Muse users
A simple, fixed-width responsive theme perfect for beginners