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Photo Filter

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Photo Filter Highlights

Simplify your workflow by adding image filters directly in Muse. This simple widget applies filters such as blur, sepia, grayscale, and more - without having to prep your images in photo editing software before bringing them into Muse.

We've also built in control over states, meaning that different filters can be used for different states such as normal and rollover states. Timing control over transition and delay time round out the customization options.

Note: CSS filters such as those used in this widget are not supported by Internet Explorer

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Commonly Asked Questions

I only see image filter transitions on page load. Why?

Transitions can only be applied when an image is going from no filter to a filter. Transitions do not work with filters used on both the normal and rollover state.

Why isn't Photo Filter working in Internet Explorer?

CSS transitions are unfortunately not supported in Internet Explorer.

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