Check out the new and improved!
2014 has been an exciting year for us here at MuseThemes. We've released some exciting new themes, including the ambitious and beautiful MNHTN template – the first in our unique Artist Series. We've put out a wealth of new custom-built widgets, including stylish navigation menus like the Square Navigation Menu and Sidebar Navigation Menu, breakthrough concept widgets like Animated Page Transitions and State Transitions, and powerful ecommerce solution widgets like the Ecwid Ecommerce Store widget. We've also seen huge moves forward from Adobe Muse, with a new native 64-bit application platform, upgraded UI, and design features like self-hosted web fonts and SVG support. At, we've launched our forum, which has created a friendly, open community for MuseThemes members and staff alike – sharing support solutions, design ideas, and project critiques.
There's one thing we know for certain: 2015 will be an exciting year for Adobe Muse users, and MuseThemes members in particular! We have been busy lining up a ton of exciting new Toolbox & Design widgets, templates, tutorials, blog posts, and videos. However, the first thing headed your way is an exciting, powerful, and intuitive revamp of the website. We conducted a recent survey of our users, in hopes of learning what you're loving, and not loving. We've also absorbed a lot of valuable information via our support portal and community forum. We're pleased to say that we've learned a ton! The revamp is the culmination of all of the valuable data we've collected, as well as a few prime new enhancements.

Speaking of membership, we've redesigned the entire member area and login system. We admit that our "Members Area" was a source of frustration and confusion for many of our members. We think you'll love our new login system. Once logged in, there is a convenient, always visible, status indicator in the upper right corner that will shows you logged in. This allows you to navigate the site freely, downloading individual widgets, templates, and bundles; all without entering a "Members Area".
Rounding out the new features, we've also thrown in a few more things we think you'll really love. Now with literally hundreds of templates and widgets, finding the perfect thing for your project can be a little daunting. That's why we've built a powerful filtering system.
- Skill levels: Beginner, intermediate, and advanced
- Key functionalities: Ecommerce, single page, and multi page templates.
- Key functionalities: Audio/Video, social, Ecommerce, nav, mobile, and more.
One more thing we really love about the new revamp is the ability to watch our very popular training videos right on the site. We're even building in a clever sorting / filtering system for our videos, as seen in our Templates and Widgets areas - so keep an eye out for that in the near future!
We believe that you will truly enjoy the new This new revamp comes at the perfect time to set the stage for all the exciting things on the horizon. We thank you for your membership, and can't wait to show off what we've got coming your way!